SAVEWO 3D MASK Ultra 救世 超立體口罩 Ultra 30's【Size R】

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R size: Suitable for over 90% of adult face shape, more suitable for women
  • SAVEWO 3D MASK Ultra 救世 超立體口罩 Ultra 30's【Size R】
  • SAVEWO 3D MASK Ultra 救世 超立體口罩 Ultra 30's【Size R】


SAVEWO 3DMASK Ultra 救世超立體口罩是嶄新的即棄式防護呼吸器及醫用口罩,結合多種救世創新科技,通過各種嚴格的測試,擁有極高的過濾性能,特製的立體剪裁,彈性無痛寬耳帶,超低的呼吸阻力,即使長時間穿戴也十分舒適。無論功能及使用體驗均力臻完美。

UltraSpunBond 超潑水面料,配合UltraSeal 超音波接焊點技術,令超薄透氣的3DMASK Ultra 達到前所未有的立體堅挺,更高耐用度,無懼惡劣環境,以及更強大的潑水及抗水性能,防止飛沫及液濺阻擋達160mmHg。

TypeCool+過濾技術,超低呼吸阻力只有< 2.4mmH2O,僅為傳統呼吸器的三分之一。得益於不受濕氣影響的嶄新駐極技術,能持久保持過濾效能,於相對濕度100%處理24小時後,過濾效率變化不足0.1%,仍可有效過濾99.9%細菌、微塵及病毒。


本產品符合歐盟 EN149:2001+A1:2009 FFP2 及韓國 KF94 防護呼吸器標準,並通過美國Niosh 42 CFR 84 N95 防護呼吸器過濾率及呼吸阻力測試。同時符合美國ASTM LEVEL3 及歐盟EN14683:2019 Type IIR 醫用口罩標準。

SAVEWO 3DMASK Ultra 設有四款尺寸,對應不同的人群,準確提供完美的保護。

  • S size 細碼 適合人群﹕7歳以上中童、大童及小顏成人
  • R size 標準碼 適合人群﹕對應90%以上成人面型,剪裁更適合女士
  • M size 中碼 適合人群﹕對應90%以上成人面型,剪裁更適合男士
  • L size 大碼 適合人群﹕寬面型人士
產品規格 :
全新UltraSpunBond 面料配合UltraSeal 熔接焊點,達到前所未有的立體堅挺,更強大的潑水性能
專業型耳帶 - 救世嚴格特製的編織耳帶,擁有高回彈力及柔軟的質感,高耐用性能,有效防止口罩或呼吸器漏氣,並減少耳痛等不適
超低呼吸阻力 Breathing Resistance:< 2.4mmH2O
細菌過濾效率 BFE>=99.9%
顆粒過濾效率 PFE>=99.9%
病毒過濾效率 VFE>=99.9%
防止飛沫及潑濺阻擋達 160mmHg
符合歐盟 EN149:2001+A1:2009 FFP2 防護呼吸器標準
符合韓國KMOEL-2017-64 KF94 防護呼吸器標準
符合中國GB2626-2019 KN95 防護呼吸器標準
通過美國NIOSH 42 CFR 84 N95 防護呼吸器過濾率及呼吸阻力測試
符合美國ASTM F2100-19 Level3 醫用口罩標準
符合歐盟EN14683:2019 Type IIR 醫用口罩標準
符合日本 JIS T 9001:2021 Class III 醫用口罩標準 (由KAKEN測試)
通過ISO10993-5 細胞毒性及ISO10993-10 皮膚刺激 醫用材料的生物相容性測試
通過微生物淨潔測試Microbial Cleanliness (Bioburden) Test
不含212項 SVHC 高關注物料
ISO14644-1 Class7 無塵廠房生產認證
ISO13485:2016 醫療器械品質管理體系認證
ISO14001-2015 環境管理系統認證
ISO9001-2015 品質管理系統認證
產品獲得CE 歐盟認證

SAVEWO 3DMASK Ultra is available in four sizes to provide the perfect protection for different people.

S size: Suitable for children over 7 years old, big children and small adults
R size: Suitable for over 90% of adult face shape, more suitable for women
M size: Suitable for people: more than 90% of adult face shape, the cut is more suitable for men
L size: Suitable for people with wide face shape

- Innovative TYPECOOL+ filtration technology with ultra-high breathability and effective for 24 hours & the filtration maintained 99.9% after soaking in distilled water for 24 hours

Droplet & splash resistance - Combining the all-new UltraSpunBond super water-repellent fabric and the UltraSeal welding technology, 3DMASK Ultra is defined by a firm three-dimensional structure with higher durability, good splash protection and water-resistant ability. Ultra is capable of resisting droplet and splash at a pressure of 160mmHg.

Skin-friendly - Smooth and hydrophilic ESPP inner layer that keeps the mask fresh, preventing it from dehydration while being able to get rid of excess moisture.

Specification and Certifications

  • Bacterial Filtration Efficiency BFE≥99.9%
  • Particle Filtration Efficiency PFE≥99.9%
  • Viral Filtration Efficiency VFE≥99.9%
  • Innovative TYPECOOL+ filtration technology with ultra-high breathability and effective for 24 hours
  • Ultra-low breathing resistance <2.4mmH2O
  • Fluid Resistance: Resists Synthetic Blood @ 160mmHg of pressure
  • Smooth and hydrophilic ESPP inner layer, skin friendly material
  • Conforms with EN149:2001 + A1:2009 FFP2 (EU) respirator standards
  • Conforms with KMOEL-2017-64 KF94 (Korea) respirator standards
  • Conforms with GB2626-2019 KN95 (China) respirator standards
  • Passed NIOSH 42 CFR 84 N95 (US) filtration and breathing resistance test
  • Conforms with ASTM F2100-19 Level 3 (US) standards
  • Conforms with EN14683:2019 Type IIR (EU) standards
  • Passed ISO10993-5 MEM Elution Test and ISO10993-10 Skin Irritation and Sensitization Test, Biocompatibility of medical devices
  • Passed the Microbial Cleanliness (Bioburden) Test
  • Not containing 212 SVHC high concern materials
  • Not containing fluorescein, latex-free and antiallergic
  • ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System
  • ISO13485:2016 Medical Devices Quality Management System
  • ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System
  • ISO14644-1:2015 Class 7 Cleanroom
  • CE Marking Certification (EU)
  • Regulated by FDA (US), Registration Number: 3017178899
  • Regulated by MFDS (KFDA) (Korea), Registration Number: 202107925
  • Designed and Made in Hong Kong
  • Individual packing


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